
Relax and refresh on the natural spring in Badiang Spring Resort and Hotel in Anas, Valencia, Bohol.

  SUBMERGED TO THE RELAXING BADIANG SPRING RESORT AND HOTEL           The Badiang Spring Resort is a small resort located along Valencia's coast, close to a cliff where a natural spring pours into two pools before emptying into the sea below. In Bohol, this is the unique resort where visitors may take use of both the warm sea and a chilly spring.           Stone/pebble collectors enjoy the spherical, color-coordinated stones that may be found along the coast and in the water, despite the fact that the beach does not have fine sand. Snorkeling is best in areas that are farther away and deeper. The constant flow of spring water into the sea keeps it cold and beautifully pure.           Due to its proximity to the national road and ease of access, the resort is by far the closest. A large gate and fencing surround the resort.           Adults must pay a P20.00 entrance fee. The prices for children are lower. Near the pool and along the beach is a pavilion with tables and thatched sh

Do you want to relax and release all the stress? Go to Tops Lookout Busay, Cebu City and unwind with your friends.

  GLIMPSE AT TOPS LOOKOUT   BUSAY One of the greatest places I have visited this year would be Busay, Cebu City. It is widely known for its heavenly city view and the breathtaking city lights during night.   It is one of my memorable moments in life as I spend it with my friends. The moments we have shared at this time, surely holds a great value in my life that I will never forget.       Tops Lookout, one of Busay's most well-liked locations, is renowned for its expansive views of Cebu City from its 600 meters of elevation. You will feel all the strains of your hectic daily life reduced by the lush green trees and cool air here. Tops Lookout is a great location for a camping because it is open around-the-clock and contains stores that serve food and beverages until late at night.            A location popular with locals and visitors alike is hidden in Cebu City's mountains, 8.5 kilometers from the Metro, and known for its mesmerizing beauty, refreshing air, and serene atmosph


            Welcome to my Travel blog . This is a simple yet valuable blog for me as it covers some of my most memorable travels both in Cebu and Bohol. I consider this memories as a remembrance in my life wherein I consider travel as an investment for myself. As we all know to travel is to live, so dare to live the life you've always wanted. WHY I LOVE TRAVELLING?           Traveling pushes me beyond of my comfort zone, and each day I'm there, I discover something new about myself and the location. For me, it's getting to know new people and discovering their diverse cultures, traditions, and cuisine. observing what makes each location so distinctive.           Living comfortably in a home, whether it be a mansion, a room, a pad, or a studio, makes you complacent and at ease. You can go to the bathroom whenever you want, you know where your stuff are, and you can take a shower EVERY DAY (full-time travelers are aware of how challenging some of these things may be while yo