Welcome to my Travel blog. This is a simple yet valuable blog for me as it covers some of my most memorable travels both in Cebu and Bohol. I consider this memories as a remembrance in my life wherein I consider travel as an investment for myself. As we all know to travel is to live, so dare to live the life you've always wanted.


        Traveling pushes me beyond of my comfort zone, and each day I'm there, I discover something new about myself and the location. For me, it's getting to know new people and discovering their diverse cultures, traditions, and cuisine. observing what makes each location so distinctive.

        Living comfortably in a home, whether it be a mansion, a room, a pad, or a studio, makes you complacent and at ease. You can go to the bathroom whenever you want, you know where your stuff are, and you can take a shower EVERY DAY (full-time travelers are aware of how challenging some of these things may be while you're on the road). In a nutshell, life is (too) simple where you call home!


You will never truly understand how the world functions if you live in the same spot your entire life. You'll never comprehend the true causes of the events you read about in the news or see on television. You'll set boundaries for both your life and the world.

